Full name
Charles McCullough Weis
Professor of English at Ohio Wesleyan University from 1958 until 1985. Weis graduated from Yale in 1944 and got his Ph.D in 1952.
Weis is the son of Charles W. Weis Jr.1 and Jessica McCullough2. He married Elizabeth Munce, an alumni of Sweet Briar College.
In 2010 a Charles M. Weis Professorship in English was established at Ohio Wesleyan based on an endowment of $1.5 Million from a former student.3
Boswellian impact
In 1952 Weis presented his doctoral dissertation "The Correspondence of James Boswell and Sir David Dalrymple". He later co-edited, with Pottle, "Boswell in Extremes, 1776-1778".