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There once was a buck who in London [did] reign
Original text

There once was a buck who in London [did]reign,
Of watchmen the curse and of waiters the bane.
At last, 'stead of ranging 'mongst thousands of beauties,
He brought himself into [a] quand'ry of duties.

'And what was the matter?' you'll certainly say;
Why, truly the blockhead gets married one day.
I was told by the parson who snapp'd up the dues
For tying his collar in sad, galling noose.

His duties he laugh'd at, his contract he broke,
But dreamt not his spouse would continue to joke
Till he found real horns sprouting forth from his skull,
And so from a buck was transform'd to a bull! 


By James Boswell, ca. 1761

Original sources