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Christian Georg von Helmoldt
Born 1728
Died 1805

Chamberlain at the court of Saxe-Gotha from at least 1764 until after June 1768. Master of Horse in Saxe-Gotha (from 1763). Translator into German of Pope's "Eloise de Abelard" and several French plays.

In June 1768 von Helmondt accompanied the hereditary prince Ernst and his younger brother August on a journey to London. They stayed in lodgings in Suffolk Street.1

Life with Boswell

After just one day in Gotha Boswell, on October 17, 1764, wrote in his journal that he was "allready well with Chambellan Hellmolt a fine fellow like Lord Cassilis".

    Unless otherwise noted, the source for a dated quotation of Boswell's is generally the corresponding volume of the Yale Trade Editions of Boswell's journals.