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Personal data
Louisa Suzanna van Nassau
Born 1726
Died 1803
Countess Degenfeld
Countess of Nassau

Daughter of Willem Adriaan II and Adriana Petronella van der Does (1705-1770). Married (1750) to Count Frederik Christoffel von Degenfeld-Schomburg (1721-1781). In 1767 she went to Vienna with her husband who had been appointed ambassador to the Austrian Emperor. She outlived him by 22 years but stayed in Vienna. According to Boswell in Holland "her character is freely discussed by Constand d'Hermenches and Belle de Zuylen: D'Hermenches thought her empty and affected, Belle saw better qualities in her".

Life with Boswell

Boswell visited the Countess, yet another of the numerous Countesses of Nassau he met while in Holland, at the Hague on December 22, 1763, and recorded a short conversation with her in his papers (published in Boswell in Holland). In his memo for the next day he described the Countess as "sweet, handsome, amiable". He met her again a few days later.

    Unless otherwise noted, the source for a dated quotation of Boswell's is generally the corresponding volume of the Yale Trade Editions of Boswell's journals.