Sometime tacksman of Coirechatachan (Corriechatachan) near Broadford on Skye.
Life with Boswell
Boswell and Dr Johnson arrived at Coirechatachan on September 6, 1773, while on their tour of Scotland. They were greeted by the tacksman, Lachlan MacKinnon, who Boswell described as "a jolly big man". They were joined by several of MacKinnon's family and neighbours, and Boswell wrote of the occassion that "It was really an agreeable meeting; and we for the first time had a specimen of the joyous social manners of the inhabitants of the Highlands", and "How superior was our reception here to that at Sir Alexander’s!"
They stayed at Coirechatachan for two days, until the weather allowed them to go on boat to their next destination, the Isle of Raasay.