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Personal data
Johanna Gevaerts van Gansoyen
Born December 03, 1733
in Dordrecht

Died February 18, 1779
in Utrecht
Countess of Nassau Beverweerd

Daughter of Paulus Gevaerts, sometime Mayor of Dordrecht, and Alida Vivien. Married (1753) to Hendrik Karel van Nassau-La Lecq, Count of Nassau Beverweerd.

Life with Boswell

Boswell dined with her on November 26, 1763, writing that "she showed you much respect", and "The Countess takes you under her protection; all will go well...." He met with her regularly in the following months.

    Unless otherwise noted, the source for a dated quotation of Boswell's is generally the corresponding volume of the Yale Trade Editions of Boswell's journals.