Berlin banker. Married to a daughter of David Splitgerber (1683-1764), the founder of the Splitgerber und Daum banking house. Together with Splitgerber's other son-in-law, Friedrich Heinrich Berendes (1729-1771), Schickler took over management of Splitgerber und Daum in 1764,1 following the death of the founder. His sons would later assume control of the company, which was renamed Gebrüder Schickler in 1795.
In the 1760s he had a country house (a campagne) on the Spree river, across from Treptow, ca. 6.5km from the centre of Berlin.
Boswell went to the banking firm of Splitgerber & Daum in Berlin on July 6, 1764, where he met Schickler and David Splitgerber. He described Schickler as "a fine, jolly, generous fellow", and Schickler provided him with a recommendation for City President Kircheisen, in whose house Boswell took lodgings for the main part of his stay in Berlin. He dined with Schickler on July 20.