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Frans Sircksen
Date of birth (prefix)
Born 1670
Date of death (prefix)

Died 1766

Boswell's fencing master in Utrecht. The identification is tentative - Boswell gave his name as Cirx or Cirkz, and the editors of Boswell in Holland conjectures that he was, in fact, a Frans Dirxen. The evidence mentioned is, that in 1740 the Utrecht Town Council gave permission to one Frans Dirxen, drum-major of the regiment then occupying the garrison, to give lessons in fencing. 1 Presumably, the fencing master's father, an Italian, had himself been the fencing master to William III (1650-1702), King of England and Prince of Orange.

The editors of The General Correspondence of James Boswell, 1766-67 seems to have identified the fencing master with much greater certainty, naming him as Frans Sircksen. Presumably it is still the same drum master previously referred to, only with the name spelled differently.

Life with Boswell

Dirxen (or Cirkz) is first mentioned in one of Boswell's Dutch themes, tentatively dated ca. February 20, 1764, in which Boswell describes how he goes "every morning to a fencing-master. He is ninety-four years old. His father taught William III, Prince of Orange, to fence. He was an Italian." On June 15, 1764, Boswell "took cordial farewell of old Fencer Cirx and bid him live till he was past one hundred". In a letter dated January 27, 1767, Robert Brown informed Boswell of the death of "the old fencing master", who was "touched with [Boswell's] remembrance of him, but died suddenly soon after [Brown] communicated the contents of [Boswell's] letter relative to him".2

    Unless otherwise noted, the source for a dated quotation of Boswell's is generally the corresponding volume of the Yale Trade Editions of Boswell's journals.