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Captain O'Grady


According to Boswell "an Irish officer in the Saxon service, a good, honest, light-headed fellow. He keeps a girl at Dessau, and is very much there."

Life with Boswell

Boswell met O'Grady at Dessau on September 25, 1764, noting that

"[a]t supper this night he talked a vast deal of bawdy concerning a Mademoiselle Stenix, who sat near me. I looked grave and seemed to give no attention to his discourse, by way of reproving him. At last, he said that "she would go like a pair of lobster's claws". This ludicrous idea struck me so much that I burst out into a fit of laughter, and Master O'Grady was heartily pleased."

Boswell met O'Grady a few days after having left Dessau, on October 4, 1764, in Leipzig, where O'Grady was to sell some [horses] of his own having apparently freighted a ship from Ireland. On that same day, Boswell noted O'Grady's great facility for speaking and swearing in German. They dined together with Neitschütz on October 5.

    Unless otherwise noted, the source for a dated quotation of Boswell's is generally the corresponding volume of the Yale Trade Editions of Boswell's journals.