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Andrew Douglas

A Doctor who in 1762-63 had a practice in Pall Mall, London. He was married to Mary and had a son, George Douglas.

Life with Boswell

Boswell stayed with Douglas for the first week of his 1762-3 stay in London. Later on, he was a frequent houseguest, and it was also Douglas who treated Boswell for Gonorrhea "by confining the patient to his room, rest, skimpy diet, medicines and bloodletting."1 It was on January 20, 1763, that Boswell was diagnosed with Gonorrhea after his affair with Louisa Lewis. One of the bloodlettings is mentioned on January 30, 1763.

During his stay with them in November 1762, Boswell quickly tired of Mrs Douglas who apparently talked too much2. He seems to have warmed towards her later on - on January 8, 1763, he apparently met her at the Goulds' where the two of them "chatted away with much vivacity".