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Personal data
Juliana Francisca von Buchwald
Born October 07, 1707
in Paris

Died December 19, 1789
Juliana Francisca von Neuenstein

Oberhofmeisterin (chief lady-in-waiting) to Duchess Luise Dorothea of Saxe-Gotha. Daughter of Freiherr Philipp Jakob v. Neuenstein. Married (1739) to Oberhofmeister Schack Hermann v. Buchwald (1705-1761). Mother of Johanna Sophia Louise Friedrica (1740-1764), Countess von Werthern.1

Life with Boswell

Boswell visited von Buchwald (referred to as the Grande Maîtresse) in Gotha on October 18, 1764. He wrote of her that she "was a woman of beaucoup d'Esprit; but she talked with affected refined grief on the death of her only daughter & had the disagreeable manner to s'ecouter as a french author says."

    Unless otherwise noted, the source for a dated quotation of Boswell's is generally the corresponding volume of the Yale Trade Editions of Boswell's journals.