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Hendrik Willem Jacob van Tuyll van Serooskerken
Born 1713
Died 1800

Son of Reinout Gerard van Tuyll van Serooskerken (1677-1729) and Isabella Agneta Hoeufft van Fontaine Pereuse (1683-1725). Married (1759) to Maria-Anna Singendonck. Paternal uncle of Belle de Zuylen.

He was a Lieutenant General in the Cavalry and Adjutant General of William V of Orange.

Life with Boswell

Boswell "Supped elegant at Mademoiselle de Zuylen's with the General" on February 13, 1764, and, on April 13 of that year, apparently supped at the General's.

    Unless otherwise noted, the source for a dated quotation of Boswell's is generally the corresponding volume of the Yale Trade Editions of Boswell's journals.